Wednesday, May 4, 2011

124/365 If you really knew me (professionally) PTIII

If you don't know I work for the City of Sacramento in the Office of the City Clerk. I am an assistant city clerk and am responsible for records management, public records requests, and media inquiries, and my favorite task is - other duties as assigned. Other duties are usually best as they are the spice of life. Many people probably think "records management" isn't that much fun or interesting and I would tell them that it really isn't about records. For me it is able ensuring that the public has easy access to the business of the City. Sure old records are cool, but nothing is a cool as when a member of the public asks for a record and then says - wow that was easy or thank you so much I didn't think I would get this kind of help. We were asked at a clerk's conference last December how we want to leave the world and I said accessible. I could stare at historic city hall (yes we have a "new" city hall) everyday. There is something stoic about it. I certainly have SEEN it now that I am doing this photo project.

If you really knew me (professionally) you would know that I had my first job at 15 and since then I have had 16 different jobs with 9 different employers; that I have worked at the City of Sacramento since 1998; and that my first job with the city was as a 911 dispatcher.

If you really really knew me (professionally) you would know that despite outward appearances and the amount of hours I gladly work that I work to live and not live to work; you would know that I take pride in doing a job well, that the legacy I hope to leave among my co-workers and people I supervise is that I care about them and am a fair person, and I think that if someone doesn't understand what I am saying - 90% of the time it is the way I am saying it.

If you really really really knew me (professionally) you would know that I believe that relationships are the key to success, that the only thing I own is my own reputation and I am proud of the one that I have created, that I believe in ownership of all of my decisions (even the stinky ones), and I don't believe that no, you can't, it wont work are ever a good answer to a question and are never the first answer.

If you really really really really knew me (professionally) you would know that I subscribe to the "Good to Great" philosophy of the window and the mirror, that I value the respect and trust of my co-workers and supervisors as much if not more than my paycheck, and that I often make things look easy - I am skilled at looking like a duck (calm on top and paddling like hell under the water, it's what all good dispatcher do).

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