I woke up Tuesday morning in a funk - no particular reason - but it seems to be hanging around like Pooh Bear's little black rain cloud. Not sure what I am going to do with the funk, it isn't one of those starving student inspirational funks, so I am thinking that I will just have to wake up in the morning with a new attitude - which considering the good things I plan to have happen tomorrow that shouldn't be too hard.
Tomorrow our first in a very long time newsletter will be published (a major distraction for me as of late) I haven't done a newsletter in quite a while so I had forgotten the ugly details and drama that can arise from such a beast. (Preview in the background.) However lots of good input and support are making this a worth while endeavor. Tomorrow Dave has a second interview for a job that looks promising. Tomorrow I get to do one of my most favorite things of all time - drop off a ton of scrapbooking supplies to the UCSF Children's Hospital. They have a scrapbook program for the children and their families. I am honored to be able to give a gift to such a meaningful program, but even more honored to know so many selfless people who gave their supplies and money to support this cause.
So here is my main work area (yes the walls are orange), my main distraction, and maybe I will just put my funk in the top desk drawer and leave it there for another time.
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