Today was an interesting day. I thought - not going to do it, not going to take another lame picture in the house and well don't feel like going anywhere. I mean I had already made it way longer than I thought I would, so that is it. Then I started thinking hmmm I should take a picture, I am so done with coming up with stuff in my house not that there aren't challenges or things to learn, just meh. So then I talk Dave into going to one of my most favorite places - Lowe's. I drag him along under the "you can train Lacinda" trick. (that and I still haven't gotten used to people looking at me weird taking places in well places they don't normally see people taking pictures). At any rate Dave is wonderful because he went along.
I got a picture - I actually got a couple usable ones (more on that later). When I sat down to upload I didn't see yesterday's picture. Panic - did I forget? What did I shoot? Oh yeah the coin jar - phew. I just forgot to publish it to the blog, check flicker - yep it's there. Then I realized that I enjoy this more than I don't, I am having more fun than not, and it has become important to me. I don't want to give up on a commitment I made to my self.
Now on to the picture. FLOWERS!!! Today felt like the first real day of spring. As I mentioned I love Lowes - that may have been a bit of an over-statement. I love the garden department - anyone's garden department. Not only am I an aspiring photographer, I am aspiring urban farmer and gardener. Last year was the best garden year ever - looking to top it this year. I could have spent all of yesterday's picture in the garden dept today with out a second thought. We do have a rule here though never buy more than you can plant in one weekend. There won't be much planting this year (I so should have gotten involved in a seed trade), due to the ever dwindling budget, but I can always go to Lowe's and see great flowers like this! (PS here is a bonus picture of Lacinda training at Lowes)
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